A Charming Connection: Cute Penguins and Cheerful Christmas
Posted by Birdie Beth Anne on 12/14/2023 to
Wild Birds
Ever wonder why penguins are associated with Christmas? Read here to discover some of the reasons why this association may have been made.
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Why Beautiful Owls are Associated with Scary Halloween
Posted by Oracle Owl on 10/13/2023 to
Wild Birds
Greetings, dear friends, and welcome to the bewitching world of owls – the enchanting birds of the night! Allow me, your wise and feathered friend, to illuminate the age-old connection between owls and Halloween. As I, a barn owl, take you on this intriguing journey...
National Bald Eagle Day: Celebrating Their Survival
Posted by Birdie Beth Anne on 6/19/2023 to
Wild Birds
Few birds embody the spirit of the United States of America as profoundly as the bald eagle. Learn a little about their fight for survival and the day that celebrates this magnificent American icon.
The Great Hummingbird Migration; a Monumental Journey
Posted by Heather Hummingbird on 4/12/2023 to
Wild Birds
Greetings fellow avian enthusiasts! My name is Heather and I’m a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird. As a hummingbird, I am delighted to share with you the incredible journey that my kind embarks on every year - the great hummingbird migration!
Honoring our Forgotten Avian Veterans
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 10/30/2021 to
Wild Birds
Did you know that birds were used by the U.S. Military during WWI, WWII, and the Korean Conflict? Read on to learn more about avian heros.
Important Autumn Checklist for Thoughtful Backyard Birders
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 10/16/2021 to
Wild Birds
The fall is a busy time for backyard birders. Here's what you need to do now to keep your birds happy.
How to See More Hummingbirds... Without Leaving Your Home
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 8/14/2021 to
Wild Birds
Up until now, you may have only seen one or two hummingbirds at a time briefly visiting your feeder. You may even be able to tell that you have at least one male and one female, usually visiting separately. It’s probably not your fault that you don’t see a lot of birds because no one ever taught you...
Secrets About Feathers
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 6/5/2021 to
Companion Birds
Think you know everything about feathers? Read here to discover some interesting things you probably never knew!
Fun and Exciting Phonetic Alphabet for Ornithologists
Posted by Birdie Beth Anne on 4/17/2021 to
Wild Birds
Have you ever considered what the Phonetic Alphabet might look like if you used only species names for the wild birds of North America? Check out this fun version, designed with the ornithologist in mind.
3 Beautiful Birds to Attract with Birdhouses
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 1/30/2021 to
Wild Birds
This column will help you discover what colorful songbirds look for when choosing a home.
How to Create a Complete Bird List
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 1/1/2021 to
Wild Birds
Have you ever wondered how some people can tell you how many birds they've seen in a year? The answer is by creating a complete bird list; here's how to make one of your own.
Helping Mockingbirds Survive the Harsh Winter Months
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 12/11/2020 to
Wild Birds
Mockingbirds are omnivores and eat a variety of foods including, insects, berries, and even seeds. In the summer, mockingbirds dine primarily on insects, and in the winter they eat more berries. This adaptive strategy has allowed mockingbirds to survive the winter months when insects are scarce.
Wild Bird Muffins
Posted by Birdie Beth Anne on 12/11/2020 to
Wild Birds
These muffins are a great treat for your wild birds! Mockingbirds love them, and so do catbirds, robins, and a variety of other birds.
Great Horned Owl: Interesting Facts About This Amazing Bird
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 12/5/2020 to
Wild Birds
Owls make up over half of the three percent of bird species that are active at night. The Great Horned Owl is perhaps the most common of the owls
Festive Pinecones - A Feast For Beloved Wild Birds
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 11/28/2020 to
Wild Birds
Making treats for the birds is a fun family activity. This recipe for festive pinecones will attract woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, and tufted titmice.
Dead or Alive? Where Are My Beautiful Birds?
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 10/31/2020 to
Wild Birds
Discover why your feeders are suddenly empty this fall. Learn one simple thing that you can do to help prevent the demise of migratory birds.
Would I Enjoy a Bird Walk Even if I Can't Identify Birds?
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 10/3/2020 to
Wild Birds
Discover the most common misconceptions, myths, and mistakes that prevent people from getting started in birdwatching.
How to Know Which Binoculars are Best for You
Posted by Tim Quinlan on 9/12/2020 to
Wild Birds
When most people begin their search for a new product, they start with all the bells and whistles until they price it out. We all want to have the very best, but we also need to be realistic. We have listed below some of the most common activities that are enhanced by the use of binoculars. We then designated the binocular qualities that most enhance the experience.
Prepare Now for Exciting Fall Hummingbirds
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 9/5/2020 to
Wild Birds
Do you see only a single male hummingbird yet observe many females? This column will help you to understand why.
Definitions of Binocular Terms
Posted by Tim Quinlan on 8/15/2020 to
Wild Birds
Here are some definitions and descriptions of common binocular features to help you better understand binoculars and make an informed decision when making your purchase.
Good vs Bad: Nyjer vs Thistle
Posted by Tim Quinlan on 8/8/2020 to
Wild Birds
Discover the difference between nyjer seed and thistle seed, they are not the same thing!
Summer Activities to Help You Attract More Colorful Birds
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 7/11/2020 to
Wild Birds
Learn what to do to keep your backyard birds happy and healthy this summer.
Discover The Best Bird Fathers
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 6/20/2020 to
Wild Birds
When most people think about baby birds, they think about mother birds building the nest and then caring for the young. Many male birds take an active role in parenthood and should be celebrated both on Father's Day and every day of the year!
How to identify beautiful Blackbirds, Crows and Ravens
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 5/16/2020 to
Wild Birds
What is that black bird? Is it a blackbird, a crow, or a raven? Discover how to distinguish between these birds and identify the bird you're looking at.
Interesting Map with Your Exciting 2020 Hummingbird Sightings
Posted by Beth Anne Quinlan, PhD Avian Sciences on 5/9/2020 to
Wild Birds
Love hummingbirds? Can't wait for them to reach your feeders? This map will help you track the progress through the migration this year!