Conure Gifts
The conure family includes a variety of birds with enormous personalities. Americans became familiar with them as the beloved pet from the film Pauli, but few people realize that the now-extinct Carolina Parakeet was also a conure. All living conure species are found in Central and South America. The colors on these remarkable conures are almost as varied as their personality traits. Compared to other parrots, conures are lightly built with long tails (Conure literally means 'cone tail').
Conures can be very entertaining and are often called the clowns of the parrot world due to their constant attention seeking behavior including hanging upside-down and swaying back and forth or 'dancing.' Conures can be easily trained and enjoy learning new tricks. They are known for their great sense of humor and their fun-loving personality. Most may learn to talk. Conures, in general, love to snuggle under things, so providing them with a tightly woven wash cloth, soft piece of fabric, or fuzzy toy is always appreciated.
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